Eating patterns during pregnancy are important to note, because poor eating patterns can increase the risk of a baby being born with a disability. Come on, find out how to set the right diet to support the health of the baby in the womb.
It is not enough just to avoid consuming dangerous foods during pregnancy, it is also necessary to consume healthy foods, so that the nutritional needs of the fetus can be met. Nutrient intake during pregnancy is needed for the development of various fetal organs until they are ready to be born.
Effects of Food on Fetal Development
Food consumed every day during pregnancy will affect the development of the fetus in the womb. Not just filling, nutritional content in food also needs pregnant women to support fetal growth and development.
To implement a healthy diet during pregnancy, pregnant women need to ensure that the food consumed contains carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Also make sure the body is well hydrated so that the health of pregnant women and the fetus in the womb is maintained.
Various Risks of Birth Defects due to Nutrition
There are various risks of birth defects that can be caused by poor eating patterns during pregnancy, such as:
1. Spina bifida
Spina bifida is a condition of neural tube defects caused by lack of folic acid intake during pregnancy. This condition is characterized by a gap in the fetal spine.
To prevent babies suffering from spina bifida, make sure that your daily intake of pregnant folic acid is well fulfilled. The trick is to increase the consumption of foods containing folate or can also take folate supplements according to doctor's recommendations.
2. Anencephaly
Similar to spina bifida, anencephaly is a condition of neural tube defects caused by a lack of folic acid intake during pregnancy. Anencephaly causes the fetus's brain, scalp, and skull to not form properly.
3. Cleft lip
Lack of intake of folic acid and vitamin A in the first trimester of pregnancy can increase the risk of babies born with disabilities with cleft lip and cleft palate conditions.
Therefore, pregnant women are encouraged to increase the consumption of foods containing both nutrients so that the risk of babies born with cleft lip conditions can be minimized.
4. Congenital heart disease
Pregnant women who lack vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (niacin) intake are at high risk of giving birth to babies with congenital heart disease. The risk will increase if pregnant women also like to eat foods high in saturated fat.
5. Gastroschisis
Gastroschisis is a birth defect in the baby's abdominal wall where the baby's intestines come out through a hole in the side of the navel. If you have a body mass index that is too low, coupled with a lack of protein or zinc intake, pregnant women are at risk of giving birth to a baby with gastroschisis.
6. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Lack of consumption of vitamin B12, vitamin E, retinol, calcium, and selenium intake during pregnancy can make pregnant women at high risk of giving birth to babies with congenital diaphragmatic hernias. This birth defect condition is characterized by a hole in the diaphragm membrane, so that organs in the baby's abdominal cavity enter the chest cavity.
Eating healthy food during pregnancy is an important part of meeting daily nutritional needs. To be clearer, consult with a gynecologist to find out the right nutritional intake in accordance with pregnant women's health conditions.
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